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  • I bought two really cute jackets/blazers one khaki, one denim-- not 80's jean jacket, though from Ann Taylor Loft... on sale!

    Archive 2008-03-01 Amanda 2008

  • I bought two really cute jackets/blazers one khaki, one denim-- not 80's jean jacket, though from Ann Taylor Loft... on sale!

    Positive Thinking Amanda 2008

  • Once again, she looked bewitching: a short red skirt, a tight black halter, the same jean jacket as last week, the same broken horn-rimmed glasses, and an old-style cameo around her neck.

    Temptation Douglas Kennedy 2006

  • Once again, she looked bewitching: a short red skirt, a tight black halter, the same jean jacket as last week, the same broken horn-rimmed glasses, and an old-style cameo around her neck.

    Temptation Douglas Kennedy 2006

  • It was true that Charlie’s typical getup seemed to be tennis shoes and sweats, T-shirt, jean jacket, and a fanny pack, but I wasn’t about to cop to being so shallow.

    sTORI Telling Tori Spelling 2008


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